The app is available to download for free. DeskPins provides you with unlimited pins that you can use for putting an application on top of others. Also, it is a mouse-based application, and you can easily use it with a click of a mouse.

DeskPinsĭeskPins is the most straight-forward pinning app you would find to keep a window always on top on the Windows 10 system. After downloading and installing, you just have to run the application, and then whenever you would open an application, on top of its window, you would get the following options. Since it is a freeware, the app is available to download for free on GitHub. You would also find its icon in the Windows 10 taskbar system tray. The dark mode would let you read anything on the screen at night.

After that, you can put it anywhere on the screen. WindowTop also has a unique feature known as ‘Shrink Window.’ This feature lets you shrink the pinned window to make it smaller. You don’t need to minimize and maximize the apps repeatedly. WindowTop is an amazing utility app that provides you an option to pin any of your applications always on top of the others. So, we have created a list of applications that have been tested to work accurately on Windows 10 systems. These will help you to keep your apps always on top. Most of these apps are outdated or does not support Windows 10 64 bit version.

However, many third-party applications can perform that task for you. Note: If you have no idea whether an installed program is “good” or not, err on the side of keeping it, lest you accidentally remove something rather critical to Windows’ healthy operation).The problem is that Windows 10 does not provide an official way to pin an application on top of others.